Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three Weeks Into The Play & Rave Reviews!!

Good crowds with lots of fun kids..and all having a good time, laughing, and learning a great message..about how using might for right is better than might makes right. Come out, bring a kid or three, support live theatre! It is at the 73rd Avenue Theatre in Westminster 7287 Lowell Blvd. 80030. It runs Saturdays at 1:30 and Sundays at 11:00 March 6th through April 25th. Expose kids to acting so they can see if it is their thing, make it an event, and enjoy yourself...adults will like it as well. Tickets are $8 for Adults and $6 for Kids...special rates for groups. For tickets or more information call 720-276-6936, and/or go to the web site www.the73rdavenuetheatrecompany.com, or e-mail at
73rd.avecompany@yahoo.com .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Play opened, and we Rocked!! Come see "The Sword and The Stone", and me as Merlin.

The Hawk flies again!! I am Merlin in "The Sword And The Stone". It is a fun and funny children's play with the traditional theme of might only for right, honor, bravery, confidence, don't be a Bully or Bullied...and other good virtues. It is at the 73rd Avenue Theatre in Westminster 7287 Lowell Blvd.  80030. It runs Saturdays at 1:30 and Sundays at 11:00 March 6th through April 25th. Come out and support live theatre, expose kids to it so they can see if it is their thing, make it an event, and enjoy yourself...adults will like it as well. Tickets are $8 for Adults and $6 for Kids...special rates for groups. For tickets or more information call 720-276-6936, and/or go to the web site (click the post heading in orange and it will take you there)or e-mail reservations; information requests to the 73rd.avecompany@yahoo.com  
Thank you to Lynda ( a friend of Chris') for the nice article on Examiner here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My actress daughter Holly Longmore

Check out the press on Holly's killer performance as the female lead in "the producers" in this Examiner article. She is still knocking them dead up there, and have a great time.

My two beautiful daughters
Holly's Fan Club
The Proud Papa